Tics & Repetitive Movements 

Free Tics eBook

The 2 Most Common Reasons Your Child Struggles With Tics

Let's Walk You Through, Step By Step, How To Help Your Child Struggling With Tics

In this video we recap a patient with the same challenges as your child. And how we went about helping them. 

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Contact One Of Our Offices Near You


We strive to provide research-based wellness solutions for you and your family with in-office care and online virtual program.

Schedule an initial assessment where we thoroughly examine and look for all the underlying root issue contributing to your child's tics and/or repetitive movements 

We are here to answer all your questions. Request a call back for free.  

Request A Call Back

Virtual Online Program

Our 17-week virtual program is perfect for helping your child struggling with bedwetting. It comes complete with daily tasks: brain exercises, physical exercises, dietary recommendations. Complete at your own pace. It's as easy as following the daily tasks for 17 weeks to fully strengthen and develop the brain.